Key Moments

Faucibus tempus cursus lorem sed duis. Condimentum praesent volutpat pellentesque dignissim vulputate. Feugiat neque, ultrices neque risus ut at.
Condimentum praesent volutpat pellentesque dignissim  ut at.
Diam velit, velit dui amet, porttitor. Sagittis nulla velit.
About Us
We are a team of rigorous thinkers who search and find captivating content for broadcasters and help them engage more deeply with their audience.

We arrange the distribution of hours of programming across many different genres on behalf of our clients such as major FTA channels and Pay-TV and OTT platforms in our primary market; Turkey and the Middle East.

Through our sales team and extensive relationship network, our clients can maximize their content variety and as well as viewer satisfaction.

Content Acquisition
We bring the top-notch contents to FTA channels and OTT and Pay-TV platforms and help them create strong offerings including live and non-live contents
Content Strategy
We work together to build a yearly strategy by evaluating the new trends, local market dynamics and latest contents.
Insights & Intelligence
In-depth industry reports on industry trends, market data, and analysis.
Content is King
Let's begin building the Kingdom!
Contact Us